Title: Hand Rolled Pasta from Southern Italy: A Culinary Adventure with Rosetta
Discover the art of hand-rolled pasta from Southern Italy with Cooking With Rosetta! In this immersive culinary experience, you'll learn how to shape traditional pasta from various regions using just durum wheat flour and water (semola rimacinata). You'll create beautiful shapes like cavatelli, orecchiette, busiati, fusilli calabresi, strascinati, and lorighittas.
Join Rosetta in her kitchen for a hands-on class where you'll make two pasta shapes and pair them with complimentary sauces. Enjoy your creations for dinner, and take home a batch of your very own hand-rolled pasta to share with loved ones. This unique class combines history, tradition, and delicious flavors, all while honoring the culinary secrets of Southern Italy.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn a skill that will not only impress your friends and family but also connect you to a rich cultural heritage. Sign up today and embark on a delectable journey through the world of hand-rolled pasta from Southern Italy!