Title: Jon Abbott Set to Make Waves as New Sportsnet Play-by-Play Broadcaster for Calgary Flames
The Calgary Flames have announced that veteran hockey play-by-play announcer, Jon Abbott, will be joining the team as their new Sportsnet broadcaster starting in the 2024-25 season. This comes after the departure of longtime Flames broadcaster Rick Ball this summer. Abbott has an extensive history calling NHL games, having worked for TSN as the play-by-play man for both the Vancouver Canucks and the Ottawa Senators. He also had the radio call for Toronto Maple Leafs games in the early-to-mid 2010s.
Abbott expressed his excitement about joining both the Sportsnet and Flames families, stating, "I look forward to many years of great hockey memories in Calgary." He will be joining fellow Flames Sportsnet colleagues Kelly Hrudey and Greg Millen in the booth alongside host Ryan Leslie, who will return for another season covering the Flames.
Rob Corte, VP of Sportsnet and NHL Production, shared that Jon Abbott is a fantastic addition to the Flames on Sportsnet broadcast booth and expressed his enthusiasm for their upcoming partnership. "His passion for hockey and this industry is infectious," said Corte.
Abbott will be moving to Calgary in October with his wife and three young children, eager to call Alberta home. Fans can get a taste of Abbott's play-by-play skills on the Flames YouTube channel, where they have posted a video of him calling some of last season's best goals from the club.
With this change, the Calgary Flames and their fans are looking forward to a fresh start, as the team has also started construction on a brand-new arena and unveiled a new and improved jumbotron that is set to hang in the Saddledome rafters this upcoming season.