The movie "Shutter Island" is an example of a thriller and mystery film that keeps viewers on edge with its intriguing plot and suspenseful atmosphere. Directed by Martin Scorsese and released in 2010, the film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as US Marshal Teddy Daniels, who is sent to investigate the disappearance of a patient from the titular island's psychiatric facility. The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Dennis Lehane.
Throughout "Shutter Island," viewers are left questioning the characters' motives and the events that unfold, leading to an intense and thought-provoking conclusion. The film has been praised for its performances, direction, and visual style, earning multiple awards and nominations, including three Academy Award nominations.
In addition to "Shutter Island," other popular thriller movies include "The Sixth Sense," "Inception," "Fight Club," "Gone Girl," "Sinister," and "Prisoners." These films often feature psychological twists, suspenseful plots, and thought-provoking themes that captivate viewers and keep them engaged throughout the story.