Apple (AAPL) - Market capitalization

Apple (AAPL) - Market capitalization

The market capitalization of a company refers to the total value of all its outstanding shares of stock. It can be calculated by multiplying the current market price per share of the company's stock by the number of shares that are available on the market. This figure helps provide an overview of a company's size and overall performance in the stock market, as well as relative to other companies in its industry.

In the provided source text, it details the market capitalization history for Apple Inc., a multinational technology company headquartered in California, USA. The passage mentions how Apple's market cap has grown over the years, becoming one of the world's most valuable companies. As of August 28th, 2024, Apple had an estimated market capitalization of $3.441 trillion, according to different sources like Iex Cloud, CompaniesMarketCap, Nasdaq, and Yahoo Finance.

The text also provides a comparison with other similar companies or competitors such as Microsoft, HP, Alphabet (Google), Amazon, and Netflix. For example, as of the same date, Microsoft had a market capitalization of $3.095 trillion, making it slightly less valuable than Apple. The differences in market caps indicate how these companies compare in terms of overall size and value within their respective industries.