Title: Spain Victorious at Euros: England Devastated by Loss
Spain emerged victorious in the European Championship final against England in a thrilling match that saw them crowned as the best national team in the tournament. Spain's head coach, Luis de la Fuente, expressed his pride in the team and their performance throughout the competition. De la Fuente stated, "You cannot be happier than this, to see the fans, the players. It was a marvellous day, an authentic team."
England's Gareth Southgate seemed devastated by the loss, acknowledging that Spain was the better team in the final and lamenting Harry Kane's physical condition during the tournament. Southgate shared his thoughts with BBC Sport, "There is definitely a disadvantage to having a day less to prepare. But we were still in it come 80 minutes."
Despite their disappointment, England has many positives to build upon, and expectations are high for future success under Southgate's guidance. Meanwhile, Spain will celebrate their hard-fought victory and look ahead to the next European Championship competition with confidence.