Title: Rodri: The World-Class Manchester City Star Set to Win the Ballon d'Or
In a recent discussion on The Rest Is Football podcast, football legends Alan Shearer, Micah Richards, and Gary Lineker unanimously agreed that Manchester City midfielder Rodri is not only deserving of the prestigious Ballon d'Or award but is also predicted to win it. Rodri has had an impressive season with both Manchester City and the Spanish national team, winning the Premier League and Euro 2024, respectively. The pundits believe that despite not having won the Champions League, Rodri's contributions to his teams make him a strong contender for the award. With previous great midfielders like Kevin De Bruyne, Andres Iniesta, Xavi Hernandez, and Toni Kroos never having won the Ballon d'Or, Rodri could be making history as he continues to excel in world football.