Title: Uncovering Missouri's Hidden Gem: The Best Pasta Just a Short Drive Away
Do you love pasta? Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey to the Show-Me State? If so, you don't have to travel far to experience some of the most delectable pasta dishes Missouri has to offer. Nestled in St. Louis, Casa Don Alfonso stands out as the best place for pasta according to 24/7 Tempo. This hidden gem is located within the Ritz Carlton and offers an authentic Italian dining experience with family traditions at its core.
Casa Don Alfonso is not only renowned for its mouthwatering Caprese or carpaccio, but also for its dessert menu. The restaurant's unique atmosphere and delectable cuisine make it a must-visit destination when traveling to St. Louis. So the next time you plan a trip, remember Casa Don Alfonso as your go-to spot for a delightful pasta experience that will have you coming back for more.