Title: Andy Cohen Lists His NYC Duplex with Realtor Ryan Serhant for $14 Million
In a recent move, TV host and Bravo mogul, Andy Cohen has listed his longtime New York City home for $14 million. The 3,500-square-foot West Village property was customized by Cohen over more than 20 years, and he has chosen to sell it with the help of Owning Manhattan star Ryan Serhant, who owns SERHANT. brokerage. The duplex features three bedrooms, an office, a den, and a nanny suite, as well as wood-burning fireplaces, a steam room, three storage units, and plenty of closet space. Cohen has already found his next residence, an $18 million duplex penthouse in the same neighborhood. Serhant and Cohen's families bonded during the pandemic, forming a pod with their children who often played together in Cohen's home.