Title: Discover Gnocchi on 9th: NYC's Viral Italian Restaurant with Affordable Pasta Delights
Gnocchi on 9th, a small yet popular restaurant in the East Village of New York City, is taking social media by storm. Offering traditional Italian dishes at fast-food prices, this eatery has become a must-visit spot for pasta lovers. The menu features two gnocchi options: alla pomodoro or alla vodka, and patrons can choose to add a black truffle-flavored burrata to their dish. A container of pasta costs just $10, making it an affordable indulgence in the heart of Manhattan. Despite its compact size, Gnocchi on 9th has garnered a massive following, with people flocking to the area and taking seats on nearby steps or benches. The short menu on the wall keeps the staff busy, but the experience is well worth the visit. Don't miss out on trying this viral Italian restaurant in NYC!