Title: "Jules O'Loughlin on Shooting Season 2 of 'The Old Man': Cinematography and Advice for Aspiring Cinematographers"
In the highly anticipated second season of FX's Emmy-nominated drama "The Old Man," viewers follow Dan Chase (Jeff Bridges) and Harold Harper (John Lithgow) on their most important mission to date. As the only returning cinematographer, Jules O'Loughlin was tasked with shooting four episodes, including the series premiere. In a conversation with No Film School, O'Loughlin shares insights into his creative process, favorite moments from the season, and invaluable advice for aspiring cinematographers.
From set design to camera angles, O'Loughlin explains how he worked closely with the production team to create a cohesive visual style throughout the series. He also discusses the challenges of shooting in various locations, including the beautiful landscapes of New Zealand and the gritty urban settings of Los Angeles.
In addition to sharing his experiences on "The Old Man," O'Loughlin offers advice for aspiring cinematographers. He emphasizes the importance of having a strong visual voice, being adaptable, and learning from setbacks. The cinematographer also discusses the role of technology in modern filmmaking and how it has changed over his career, from shooting on film to the digital era.
The interview with O'Loughlin offers a unique perspective on the art of cinematography and provides insights into the creative process behind one of television's most captivating shows.