Title: Derek Forbort Leaves Canucks for Personal Reasons, Erik Brannstrom Called Up
In a surprising development, Vancouver Canucks defenseman Derek Forbort has left the team due to personal reasons. The Canucks announced the move and called up prospect Erik Brannstrom in his place. To accommodate Brannstrom's arrival, top center prospect Aatu Raty was sent down to the AHL Abbotsford Canucks. According to Canucks insider Rick Dhaliwal, Forbort's absence from the team is not expected to be long-term, and he may return in just a few days.
With Forbort out of the lineup, head coach Rick Tocchet will likely give Brannstrom his Canucks debut during their upcoming game against the Florida Panthers. The young defenseman's arrival comes at an important time for the team, as they are heading into the second game of a four-game road trip.