Title: Steve-O's Cauliflower Ear Attempt Gone Wrong with Jon Jones
In a bizarre turn of events, Jackass star Steve-O recently found himself in an unexpected situation while trying to achieve the sought-after cauliflower ear look. The daredevil and UFC legend Jon Jones crossed paths when Steve-O reached out to him for help in achieving this signature look among MMA fighters. Unbeknownst to Steve-O, his request would lead to a bizarre and bloody ordeal that involved hammers, belts, and scissors.
In an attempt to give himself the cauliflower ear, Jon Jones encouraged Steve-O to place his ear between weights and elbow them, resulting in a minor injury. However, it was during their next session on one of Jon's workout machines that things took a turn for the worse. Jon placed Steve-O's ear on the metal base bar and started hitting it with a hammer until, suddenly, blood splattered underneath his championship belt.
Shocked by the sight, those present quickly grabbed scissors and chopped off the damaged piece of Steve-O's ear. It was later revealed that Jon Jones himself made the incision, removing only one piece of Steve-O's ear. The incident has led to speculation about whether Jon was grossed out by what had happened or simply focused on his heavyweight debut.
Despite the bizarre story, it seems that Jon Jones is moving forward in his MMA career, with a highly anticipated match against Stipe Miocic at UFC 309. With the possibility of unifying the division and potentially walking away from the sport, it remains to be seen what the future holds for both Jon Jones and Steve-O.